Fostering a Baby Bird Found in the Living Wall of our Paris Apartment


Our passion has always been to bring the beauty of nature into the heart of urban environments. As we strive to create living spaces where architecture and nature harmoniously coexist, we were blessed with a serendipitous encounter—a little baby bird has found its way into the living wall inside our Paris apartment. This unexpected visitor has become a symbol of fortune, reminding us of our founding motto: “birds singing through architecture.” Join us as we share the journey of fostering this tiny bird, nurturing it until it is ready to return to its natural habitat.

A Remarkable Discovery: In the midst of our busy lives, a moment of wonder and surprise unfolded when we discovered a little baby bird nestled within the lush foliage of our living wall. Its presence felt like a special sign, affirming our dedication to bringing nature closer to urban dwellers. With tender care, we embraced this unexpected encounter as an opportunity to fulfill our mission in a more intimate and personal way.

Mingzhu Nerval - birds singing through architecture


Nurturing Nature’s Gift: Determined to give the baby bird the best chance at thriving, we embarked on a journey of fostering. With each passing day, we observed its growth, fed it a diet suited to its needs, and provided a safe space for it to explore and spread its wings.


Mingzhu Nerval - birds singing through architecture

Symbolizing Fortune and Purpose: For us, the presence of this baby bird holds profound significance. It is a symbol of fortune, a reminder that our dedication to bringing nature into the urban environment is not in vain. Our cat and the foster bird have formed a friendship as well, happily coexisting and bringing joy to our home.
As we witnessed the bird’s resilience, it strengthened our resolve to continue weaving the beauty of nature into the fabric of architectural design.

Mingzhu Nerval - birds singing through architecture

A Journey Towards Freedom:  The time approaches for the baby bird to embark on its journey back to nature. We are filled with a mix of joy and sadness, knowing that we have played a small role in its growth and recovery.  As we are getting ready to release the bird into the wild, we have been reminded of the profound impact our landscape company can have in bringing nature closer to urban dwellers. We are fueled with renewed determination to continue our mission of merging architecture and nature, allowing birds to sing freely through the very fabric of our designs.

Mingzhu Nerval - birds singing through architecture